HomePHP ScriptsHospital 14.6.0 – HMS – Hospital Management System – Appointment Booking –...

Hospital 14.6.0 – HMS – Hospital Management System – Appointment Booking – Smart Hospital

hospital 14 4 0 hms hospital management system appointment booking smart hospital 1

InfyHMS comes with 60 features with 9 different kinds of User types who can do login to the system and access their data based on their roles.

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Features InfyHMS Scripts

  • Beautiful Landing Page
  • Doctors
  • Patients
  • Nurses
  • Receptionists
  • Laboratorists
  • Pharmacists
  • Accountants
  • 8 User Types
  • Appointments
  • Doctor Schedules
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Payrolls
  • Beds Management
  • Beds Allotments
  • Blood Bank
  • Blood Donors
  • Medicines Categories
  • Medicines Items
  • Document Types
  • Documents
  • Service Packages
  • Insurance Packages
  • Reports
  • Invoices
  • Billing
  • Payment History
  • Admit History
  • Operation History
  • Prescriptions
  • Ambulance
  • CMS
  • Inquiries
  • Credit/Debit Reports
  • Multi-Lingual
  • Multi-Currency

Free InfyHMS Scripts

Note: Please scan virus or malware before using. If you are having trouble, please contact us. Hospital – HMS – Hospital Management System – Appointment Booking – Smart Hospital are for testing and evaluation purposes, not for commercial use. If you want to use a script in production, Buy it. 

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