Defender Pro keep your site safe from hackers! Brute force attacks and malicious bots are no match for Defender’s mighty WordPress security plugin shields and cloaking technology.
Preview Defender Pro WordPress Security Plugin
Features Defender Pro WordPress Plugin
- Brute Force Lockout
- File Change Detection
- 404 Lockout
- Audit Logs
- Email Notifications
- IP Lockout
- Security Key Updater
- Automated Scans
- Blacklist Monitoring
- 2-Factor Authentication
- Remember Me Checked
- Whitelist IP
- Security Tweaks
- Hub Security Manager
- Snapshot Backups
Free Defender Pro WordPress Plugin
Note: Please scan virus or malware before using. If you are having trouble, please contact us. Defender Pro – WordPress Security Protection Plugin are for testing and evaluation purposes, not for commercial use. If you want to use a script in production, Buy it.
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