HomeWordPressWordpress PluginsFlyingPress 4.14.1 – Lightning-Fast WordPress on Autopilot

FlyingPress 4.14.1 – Lightning-Fast WordPress on Autopilot

flyingpress 4 6 8 lightning fast wordpress on autopilot

FlyingPress is a lightweight and easy to use speed optimization plugin for WordPress. Boost your websites’ Core Web Vitals in a few clicks.

Preview FlyingPress Plugin

Features FlyingPress WordPress Plugin

  • Page Caching
    Generate static HTML pages and serve them directly from your web server.
  • Cache Preloading
    Automatically generate cached pages when you make some changes.
  • Remove Unused CSS
    Generate critical CSS and remove unused CSS.
  • Preload Links
    Preloads a page in the browser right before a user clicks on it.
  • Delay Script Execution
    Load and execute non-critical scripts only on user interaction.
  • Minify CSS & JS
    Minify CSS & JavaScript files in the server or via FlyingCDN.
  • Defer Scripts
    Avoid render-blocking scripts by deferring them.
  • Optimize Database
    Optimize and clean up database tables and set them to autopilot!
  • Lazy Load
    Lazy load images, HTML elements, videos, iFrames, and more.
  • Optimize Google Fonts
    Self-host, combine and preload Google Fonts. Optionally display fallback fonts.
  • Prioritize Resources
    Prioritize critical resources like the above-fold images, fonts to load in high priority.
  • Reduce Layout Shifts
    Add missing width and height attributes to reduce layout shift caused by images.

Free FlyingPress WordPress Plugin

Note: Please scan virus or malware before using. If you are having trouble, please contact us. FlyingPress – Lightning-Fast WordPress on Autopilot are for testing and evaluation purposes, not for commercial use. If you want to use a script in production, Buy it. 

Download FlyingPress Plugin Free


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